Viki Kiss, Writer
As Viki Kiss sets foot into her second year of high school, she is eager to learn about new leadership opportunities on and off campus. As Kiss dives into the hustle and bustle of the newsroom for the very first time as a staff writer, she is eager to acquire a greater knowledge in journalism and how to become a better writer and team member. Kiss aims to be a dedicated member of the Falconer as she is eager to meet many new friends and gain experiences that will last a lifetime. As many don’t know, Kiss is 100% Hungarian and is fluent in the language. Outside of school, Kiss spends her time playing volleyball and competitively swimming. In her free time, Kiss enjoys reading and spending time with her friends and family. As she enters her sophomore year, she is excited to gain new experiences and friendships, master new skills and see what she can bring to the table as a staff writer.