Every time I notice more white hair on my dog’s face, everytime my great grandmother’s dementia worsens, everytime a new baby is born into the family — each moment feels like a testament to the life...
At my desk, I am an academic. At Poods and Prince, I am a skateboarder. At The End, I am a chronic vintage lover. At Verbatim Books and Folk Arts Rare Records, I continually seek knowledge. These environments...
Liv Weaver, Assistant Editor-in-Chief, Workflow
• November 6, 2024
Growing up, I always wanted a best friend. Someone I could do anything with, do anything for. Someone to ask me out to lunch; someone to make me laugh and make laugh in return; someone to go on midnight...
Eric Lee, Assistant Editor-in-Chief, Design
• September 10, 2024
If I were to use one word to describe myself, it would be neurotic.
According to a quick Google search, the word in nontechnical use means “abnormally sensitive, obsessive or anxious.” To make the...
Joy Ma, Assistant-Editor-in-Chief, Long-form
• August 27, 2024
Growing up, I have always thought of myself as less human and more frog. I’ve always felt a deep connection to them — creatures that, in many ways, embody the qualities I admire and strive to cultivate...