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The Falconer

The Falconer

The Falconer

Personal Perspective

April Kato (12) crouches near a bush of flowers. In her personal perspective, Kato reflected on the experience living between two worlds — Japan and the United States, which came to construct her identity.

Personal Perspective: April Kato

April Kato, News Editor March 19, 2025

Every time I notice more white hair on my dog’s face, everytime my great grandmother’s dementia worsens, everytime a new baby is born into the family — each moment feels like a testament to the life...

Gabrielle Gonzales (12) reads her Book of Common Prayer, gifted during her Confirmation. The book guided her spiritual practice and set intention for her days.

Personal Perspective: Gabrielle Gonzales

Gabrielle Gonzales, Opinion Editor March 11, 2025

At my desk, I am an academic. At Poods and Prince, I am a skateboarder. At The End, I am a chronic vintage lover. At Verbatim Books and Folk Arts Rare Records, I continually seek knowledge. These environments...

Cash Weaver ('24) and Liv Weaver (12) enjoy playing in fall leaves outside their former Chicago home. The two moved with their parents to California shortly after. Photo courtesy of Liv Weaver. 

Personal Perspective: Liv Weaver

Liv Weaver, Assistant Editor-in-Chief, Workflow November 6, 2024

Growing up, I always wanted a best friend. Someone I could do anything with, do anything for. Someone to ask me out to lunch; someone to make me laugh and make laugh in return; someone to go on midnight...

Eric Lee, Assistant Editor-in-Chief of Design, types away at the computer in his room. In one word, Lee described himself as neurotic in his personal perspective.

Personal Perspective: Eric Lee

Eric Lee, Assistant Editor-in-Chief, Design September 10, 2024

If I were to use one word to describe myself, it would be neurotic. According to a quick Google search, the word in nontechnical use means “abnormally sensitive, obsessive or anxious.” To make the...

Joy Ma leans on her trusty frog companion, Ricky. He has been by her side throughout her high school journey.

Personal Perspective: Joy Ma

Joy Ma, Assistant-Editor-in-Chief, Long-form August 27, 2024

Growing up, I have always thought of myself as less human and more frog. I’ve always felt a deep connection to them — creatures that, in many ways, embody the qualities I admire and strive to cultivate...

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