Left to right: Kennedy Wilkinson (9), Kingsley Romande (9), Christopher Bacon (9) and homecoming princess Nina Speer (9) arrive dressed up and ready to enjoy the dance. The dance took place on Saturday.
Students gather props for the photo booth. They lined up to take group photos posing with various Las Vegas related items.
Left to right: Kingston Liu (12), Jacob Limon (12) and Santiago Herrero (12) relax at the top level of the amphitheater. This was one of many places students could relax and hang out at the dance.
Students play a variety of casino games such as blackjack and roulette. This was one of many activities for students to participate in outside of the dance.
Students dance inside the amphitheater. The room was adorned with vibrant lights as students gathered around the live DJ.
Left to right: Amelia Mazo (10) and Isabella Velasco (9) converse in the PAC quad, where the dance took place. The dance was located on campus this year.
A group of students line up on the grass hill of the amphitheater. The dance took place inside the amphitheater.
Students take to the dance floor throughout the event. They expressed themselves to the beat of the music.
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